A few UFO/mystery lights, news stories from local media around the UK.

Now the nights are drawing in, more people will be out when it’s dark so anything seen in the sky that’s not familiar may well get reported as a UFO. Stargazing apps are very useful if you’re not sure about an object in the night sky and there are others that can inform you of meteor showers, bright comets, satellites, the Space Station and planes.

Regardless of anything mysterious, exploring the night sky is a fascinating pastime and at a very basic level all you need is your eyes and perhaps a pair of binoculars.

Lets hope for clear skies. Have fun.

Eight UFO Sightings in the Black Country.

Bridgenorth, Shropshire, September 2014.  An erratic moving object with lights was seen.

Wednesbury, Sandwell, June 2017. A circular flying fireball was witnessed from a backgarden.

Dawley, Telford, July 2019. Seen through curtains the witness described lights and shadows in a dinosaur shape.

Wolverhampton, March 2014. A scientist claimed to have seen an object flyingvat 180 miles per hour whilst watching meteors.

Tipton, Sandwell, July 2014. An oval shaped UFO above a plane.

Newport, Shropshire, November 2016. A JCB driver reported a bright light in the sky.

Hartlebury, Kidderminster, May 2019. A UFO was seen and described as a line across the sky as big as six football pitches.

Donnington, Telford, November 2013. An object with lights and flames seen landing in a tree.


UFO’s in Tayside and Fife.

There is now a interactive map of UFO sightings in Tayside and Fife from 1997 to 2009 available for those interested. The article itself mentions sightings going back to the 1950’s.

Is the truth out there? Check our interactive map of historic UFO sightings in Tayside and Fife

Edinburgh Airport UFO.

A UFO supposedly caught on film above Edinburgh Airport. Could well be a lens reflection.



Fritton Wood Entities.

Two long necked, long handed entities were reported in Fritton Wood, Norfolk, in 1997.


Solent UFOs.

Photographer snaps UFOs over the Solent although this does look like lights reflecting off a glass window.


UFO Talk in Essex.

Author Beil Nixon will be giving a UFO talk at Little Clacton, Essex on October 16th 2021.


Mystery Red Light in Scotland.

Residents near Glasgow were left puzzled by a red glow in the night sky although the answer appears to be lights on top of windmills. As for the ‘pyramids’ looks very like foreground buildings to me.


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The Journey

A poem by me.

NASA image.

The Journey

We have travelled far
Yet Still we can’t stay
Sailing among stars
Across the Milky Way

Travellers in the night
Cosmic nomads are we
Following a path
Across a starry sea

Forgotten is our home
We have journeyed long
And all we have left
Is an echo of a song


A song of peace and hope
A song of love and light
Ancient song will guide us
Across the seas of night

Memories of a place
We have been before
Star clouds hide our way
On a distant misty shore

Across the cosmic sea
Ancient song a beacon send
To guide us across the dark
And to our journey’s end

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Lights, Bangs and Crop Circles

More strange lights and aerial goings on in the UK. Plus a few crop circles.

Lights over North Staffordshire which may well be planes.


Crop Circle

I know someone who helped make the Milk Hill formation which is mentioned in this article.


A Yorkshire Crop circle, nothing really alien about it.


Mystery loud noise over Gloucester. Urban areas are noisy. I’ve lived in towns and cities and been woken by some unusual noises.


And in Sheffield.


Lights seen in the River Thames which might not be so mysterious as there are navigational lights along the river.


The strange light was only noticed afterwards and looks like a light flare. I’ve taken pictures at night and light sources can cause some odd effects.


First object probably a plane, you don’t always hear them especially high up. The others I think are birds, gulls probably, light from street lights is reflecting off their bodies. The reason I say this is because I’ve seen the same thing myself. It wasn’t until the gulls flew overhead that I saw what they were.


Strobe Lighting. Something I’ve seen a few times.


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Lights In The Sky

I’ve been interested in Astronomy for a very long time and do tend to look at the sky a lot and am very familiar with lights in the sky.

I have on occasion seen a few odd things, although I don’t think it’s Aliens. UFO does after all mean Unidentified Flying Objects. I’m of the opinion that there’s life out there in our Galaxy, I also consider that there are natural processes which have not been investigated properly.

So here is a round up of some media stories, mostly from local papers, about unusual lights in the sky.

Watch out for an Alien invasion predicted by a Time Traveller. Nothing so far. I’ll keep you updated.


Lights seen in the sky over Liverpool.


More indistinct blobs and lights this time in Bristol.


This looks like noctilucent clouds, I’ve seen a few displays, they can be very impressive. They also appear during the Summer months.


A plane by the looks of it. Planes and contrails can look unusual under different lighting and weather conditions.


Ufo instantly means Aliens for some reason.


A plane with contrail lit by the Sun.


An in and out of focus blob of light, could be a star, planet, satellite, the space station.


White blob seen over Glasgow airport.


Dog walker spots light in the sky.


Even Aliens like a trip to the seaside.

In this case it’s unknown drone activity.


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Steampunk Urania/Night Costume Ideas

A few more Victorian/Edwardian fancy dress costume ideas.

Urania, Goddess of Astronomy, late 19th Century.
Night, late 19th Century.
Another Night costume, from the 1860s.

1860s crinoline Night costume.

Late 19th century. Representation of Night.
Late 19th/early 20th century.
1880s/1890s. Nice starry costume

1880s, long train on this one.

1880s, Astronomy costume.
1880s Saturn Costume.
Early 20th century Star costume.
Early 20th century Sun costume.
Urania, mid 19th century.
Late 19th early 20th century.
Late 19th century.
Late 20th century.

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Steampunk Astronomy Costume Ideas: A few more

The Victorians and Edwardians certainly liked costume parties.

I’ve come across some interesting themes, but will stick to those with Astronomical elements.

Some appear to represent The Night. These are from the late 19th early 20th century.

They seem to be dresses with Stars/Moons, appliqued or sewn on. One looks like the design has been painted on.

A few ideas to try maybe.

Late 19th Century. Veil of stars with a central jewelled starry headpiece.
Late 19th early 20th Century. Star studded dress with starry accessories.

Early 20th Century. This comes with a sheer cloak decorated with stars and a crescent Moon staff.
Late 19th early 20th Century. Rows of stars and Moons ornament these two delightful costumes.
Early 20th Century. It looks like this design has been painted on to the dress and shoes.
Late 19th early 20th Century. Two starry ladies.
Late 19th Century. Possibly the white dress is Day, the black dress appears to be Night with a starry sash and headpiece.
Early 20th Century. Night and Day costume with Sun, Moon and Stars.
Early 20th Century. An elaborate Night and Day fancy dress costume. I like the bats.
Early 20th Century. A stunning jewelled Star headpiece.

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The Eclipse

Yes. After a cloudy start, I did manage to see some of the Partial Solar Eclipse here in not so sunny Suffolk.

After the last week of clear sunny skies, I awoke this morning to grey cloud. There were a few promising gaps, these soon closed of course.

I happened to be visiting my sister, and ended up sitting outside staring at a cloudy sky and cursing the elements.

Mid Eclipse and I got my first brief glimpse of the Sun. The clouds actually came in handy as they dimmed the Sun so much, I could safely observe.

It clouded over, I was happy though, I’d seen it.

At this point my young Niece came out asking for some help with school work which involved being in the garden.

Another gap appeared. I pointed up and showed my Niece the Eclipse. She shouted and jumped about with excitement. She thought it was great. That made me smile.

We kept getting brief glimpses in cloud gaps. I had my Eclipse glasses with me so when the Sun became bright we could see it properly. It was a nice experience after the rubbish start.

So that was my experience. I hope others managed to see it. Until the next one there is plenty to see in the skies day and night. Look up.

Taken with my Mobile phone. Sorry not the best quality.


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UK Partial Solar Eclipse, 10th June 2021

In the UK, On 10th June 2021,at just after 10.00am there will occur a partial Solar Eclipse. The further North you are the bigger the percentage of the Sun obscured.

Warning, DO NOT look at the Sun directly with either your naked eyes, binoculars or a telescope. You could permanently damage your eye sight.

Eclipse glasses can be used to safety view the event.
Projecting the Sun’s image is another safe way of doing so.
Only use proper solar observing filters which fit on the main lens/mirror, not ones that fit on the eye piece.
I’m no solar observer so here are some links on how to observe the Sun safely.



The Royal Observatory Greenwich will be live streaming the event, others may be as well.


Some Astronomical groups may well be holding observing sessions. Look up your local society to see if they’re doing anything.

The eclipse starts just after 10.00 am and finishes at about 12.30. Mid eclipse is just after 11.15am.

Happy Solar Eclipse watching.


Observing a Solar Eclipse by J.J. Grandville, 19th Century.


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Backbone of Night

Years ago I came across an image that intrigued me called Backbone of Night by Jon Lomberg.

I found that the image was commissioned for Carl Sagan’s Cosmos series and represents the Milky Way. The image is here: https://www.jonlomberg.com/digital_prints/dp_backbone_of_night.html

The name Backbone of Night was given to the Milky Way by the !Klung people of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. They thought the Milky Way was the Backbone of the night that kept the sky in place.

We are more familiar with the Greek and Roman legend of the Milky Way which asserts that the starry path was the result of Hera’s (Juno) breastmilk spraying across the sky. Zeus (Jupiter) placed the abandoned baby Heracles (Hercules) at the sleeping Hera’s breast. Hera awoke and pushed the baby away, milk sprayed across the night sky and the Milky Way came into existence.

The Origin of The Milky Way Jacopo Tintoretto


The Birth of the Milky Way – Peter Paul Rubens


Interestingly even back in the era of the Ancient Greeks a philosopher named Democritus in the fifth century BC correctly surmised that the Milky Way was made of a myriad of faint stars.

Other ideas from the time were that the sky was splitting and light was shining through, that is was the seam of the sky or that it was the path burned in the sky by the out of control Sun chariot driven by Helio’s son, Phaeton.

The Fall of Phaeton by Adolphe Pierre Sunaert


The Roman writer Manilius regarded the Milky path as like the wake left by a ship and Ovid thought that on each side of the Milky Way were the abodes of the Gods.

Cultures across the globe have their own stories to tell concerning the Milky Way. I’ll dip into them another time.

If you’re lucky and are under dark skies with little light pollution, go and look up and view the majestic Milky Way. Happy Stargazing.



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