
A few interesting articles on folklore and traditions. The UK has a wealth of folklore, myths, legends, traditions and customs. Some are widespread, others confined to a specific place.

People are familiar with celebrations like Christmas and Easter, yet up and down the country there are many events that take place throughout the year.
If you do visit any of the places I mention, please be respectful, don’t damage anything, don’t litter and ask permission if it’s private property. Some places have tours so worth checking what’s going on.


Caynton Caves.

Caynton Cave
The opening to the cave

The caves are on the Historic England data base and are thought to be 18th/19th century in date. They were probably a grotto. So not a new discovery. Caves though attract a lot of folklore so no surprise that these particular ones have been connected with the Knights Templars.

Hertfordshire Puddingstone.

A piece of rock, known as Puddingstone,  found during construction of a bypass, has been placed in the village of Little Hadham. There are folklore traditions associated with this particular type of rock.

John Dees Mirror

John Dee was an adviser to Elizabeth I and was rumoured to have dabbled in the black arts.  His Obsidian mirror is now thought to have originally come from Mesoamerica.

The Pendle Witches.

The tragic story of the Pendle witches in Lancashire.

Victorian Death Traditions .

The Victorians had a lot of traditions around death, however I’m a bit dubious about some of these. Myths have sprung up about certainly practices that are not quite true.

Plant lore.

The dark berries of belladonna (Atropa belladonna) are pretty but poisonous © Simon Growe/ Shutterstock

Some unusual plants some of which have folklore and traditions attached to them.

Monster legends including Loch Ness.

Aaron Mullins new book is topping the charts in an Amazon list.

A new book, Scottish Legends: 55 Mythical Monsters by Dr Aaron Mullins, delves into the myths and legends of Scotland. Loch Ness if of course included.

Brecon Folklore.

Llyn y Fan Fach (Image: Creative commons/ Flickr/ Angel Ganev)

The Brecons are a beautiful place to visit and are steeped in legend and folklore. One of the most famous stories concerns the Lady of Llyn y Fan Fach, a fairy who married a mortal.


The game has been entertaining and delighting children for centuries (Image: Submitted)

I can remember playing conkers as a child, It’s not as popular as it once was, though it has nothing to do with health and safety gone bad as some would like to think. Things change. Who knows it might become popular again.

Well Dressing.

Villages Saddleworth have continued the old tradition of Well Dressing this year.

Scottish Halloween Traditions.

Halloween is considered to be an American import yet the traditions and folklore ofHalloween are very old, especially in places like Scotland, Ireland and to a lesser extent in Wales and Cornwall, although at one point they were probably more widespread across the UK generally.

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