The Eclipse

Yes. After a cloudy start, I did manage to see some of the Partial Solar Eclipse here in not so sunny Suffolk.

After the last week of clear sunny skies, I awoke this morning to grey cloud. There were a few promising gaps, these soon closed of course.

I happened to be visiting my sister, and ended up sitting outside staring at a cloudy sky and cursing the elements.

Mid Eclipse and I got my first brief glimpse of the Sun. The clouds actually came in handy as they dimmed the Sun so much, I could safely observe.

It clouded over, I was happy though, I’d seen it.

At this point my young Niece came out asking for some help with school work which involved being in the garden.

Another gap appeared. I pointed up and showed my Niece the Eclipse. She shouted and jumped about with excitement. She thought it was great. That made me smile.

We kept getting brief glimpses in cloud gaps. I had my Eclipse glasses with me so when the Sun became bright we could see it properly. It was a nice experience after the rubbish start.

So that was my experience. I hope others managed to see it. Until the next one there is plenty to see in the skies day and night. Look up.

Taken with my Mobile phone. Sorry not the best quality.

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