“Suffolk Country Lane.”

The hedges and verges alongside roads and lanes, can be a haven for wildlife if left to become a little overgrown.
Unfortunately many are cut repeatedly during the growing season.
Whilst some maintenance is done for safety reasons, most times it’s to ‘tidy up’.
Ideally those areas that will not effect safety should be left, hedges not flailed to stumps, flowers allowed to seed.
Perhaps local groups could be in charge of managing this.
Roadside verges and hedges have the potential to become mini nature reserves and pleasure fod all road users to enjoy.
Plantlife has a road verge campaign.


My nature photography and art designs can be found on my Ko Fi page where I post on a regular basis.


St Edmund and the Wolf

St Edmund

St Edmund used to be the patron saint of England before Saint George came along and usurped his position.

A king of East Anglia in the mid 9th century, he was murdered by Vikings and later was made a saint and buried within the Abbey in Bury St Edmunds.

Nothing is left of his elaborate shrine as this was destroyed during the English Reformation.

All that is left of the Abbey, are ruins, within what is now the Abbey Gardens. On a green, besides St Edmundsbury Cathedral, are two statues, one of St Edmund, the other a wolf. As with other saints, St Edmund has legends attached to him, one concerns a wolf.

More here:


Framlingham Castle, Suffolk.

A collage of images from Framlingham Castle in Suffolk. A medieval castle with Tudor and later additions.

All of my photos are taken on my phone and my art work and videos are produced on my phone, which isn’t a new model.

I’m trying to get some money together to buy a PC and camera equipment to help set up a small Photographic and art business.

I do have a Ko-fi account.


And I have set up a Redbubble shop.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank-you for dropping by.


Some atmospheric images from Suffolk Churches for Halloween.

Help support my art and photography on Ko-fi. Thank-you.


My Redbubble shop.
