Crop Circles

This was quite a big thing back in the 90s and early 2000s. It started off with plain circles appearing in crop fields mostly in Wiltshire although they did appear in other counties. This attracted all sorts of theories from hoaxes, animals trampling the crops, Fairies, Angels, Ufos and Aliens, whirlwinds and tornadoes, something to do with leylines, earthlights and magnetism.

They became bigger and more elaborate, there was supposedly footage of lights forming the circles, people seeing Ufos in the area and experience weird phenomena whilst in circles.

Then two men admitted they’d started making them and others decided to do the same.

One of my brothers started out thinking Crop circles were formed by mysterious means. Then he got to know people who made them and decided he’d join in. Back in 2001 he helped make the Milk Hill formation.

The craze died down somewhat shortly after that, although they still appear, and some still believe they are made by mysterious forces.

I can understand farmers not being happy about people trampling their crops. I do recall a few started to charge visitors. You could buy postcards, T-Shirts, pictures, jewelry, books, calendars, all with a crop circle theme.

They are works of art, using the landscape as opposed to canvas. Many who made them are unknown. They certainly sparked the imagination of a lot of people. Even thogh I never believed they were supernatural, I still appreciate how artistic they are. They have become part of folklore.

They are still being made and every year, local papers report a few.

Here’s a roundup of Crop Circle news articles.

Photographer Matt Adamiak snapped a shot of the crop circle in a field in Upham

Giant crop circle appears in farmer’s field in Upham

9 of the most stunning crop circles to have ever appeared around Somerset.

A white light seen and a crop circle discovered.—huge-crop-circle-also-discovered-nearby-field/

Crop circle near New Alresford, Winchester district.

Mystery crop circle appears on Dorset field.

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